Insurance Correspondence Letter Sample

Letter About Insurance

There are many types of insurance. Some are required by law, like motor insurance. The rest are taken voluntarily to insure against things like theft, fire and accident.This insurance correspondence letter sample provides a template for creating a personalized document for insurance companies or consumers for communication with clients or insurer. It includes an outline of the necessary components, including a salutation, introduction, and conclusion, as well as specific language to be used when addressing insurance-related matters. Use this sample to ensure an effective and professional insurance correspondence letter.

For most cases, ready-made forms are used in insurance procedures. However, insurance letters are necessary to get the process going or to clarify matters. Terms like premium, claim, risk and policy are used in the sample letters.

Sometimes there is confusion concerning the words Assurance and Insurance. Suffice to say that Assurance is just a type of insurance that deal with events that must necessary happen sooner or later, such as death. Hence we sometimes hear of the term Life Assurance. Insurance, on the other hand, deals with mainly with contingencies, such as fire and accident. Often though Insurance is used to mean both Insurance and Assurance.

Letters  For Medical and Insurance Concerns

Most letters in this area tend to be information-seeking or complaint-oriented.

If your goal is to obtain information, use insurance letter template 1. But if your goal is to voice a complaint, your best approach is instead to persuade an insurance or healthcare provider to see things your way, use insurance letter template 2.

As always, keep such letters as brief and to-the-point as possible. But to help someone take the action you want, be sure to provide all important details, such as:

  •  Account or billing numbers.
  •  Insurance group or member numbers.
  • Insurance claim addresses or phone numbers.
  • Patient names.
  • Birth dates (for identification purposes).
  • Doctor names.
  • Treatment or admission/release dates.
  • Medication names.
  • Dollar amounts.
  • Person insured or financially liable (when not the patient).
  • Guardian name and contact information (for minor patients).

Emotion generally has no place in such letters; keep your tone factual and business-like.

Insurance Letter Template 1 – For straightforward requests. Requesting information or routine action from a healthcare provider or insurance company.
Requesting Information On A Pending Claim

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

I need your assistance with a claim I filed more than six weeks ago but have yet to receive any information about.

Here are the relevant details:

Patient name and DOB: Sharon Epworth, 6/28/57

Date of treatment: April 28, 2004

Doctor’s name: Theodore Costello, DDS

Amount of claim: $678.92

Please call or write me with a response to my claim. You may reach me weekdays at 616/555-2262.

I would appreciate your prompt attention to my claim.


Your Name

Insurance Letter Template 2 – Most appropriate when you can anticipate resistance in response to your request. In these situations, you want a persuasive approach.
Disputing A Less-Than-Straightforward Billing Error

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

I recently received a second notice for lab charges my insurance company tells me I am not responsible to pay.
Please remove these charges from my account immediately, and stop sending me these insulting letters. (Copies of your letters and one from my insurance company are attached.)

As a preferred provider, your organization has agreed to provide services for “usual and customary rates.” My
insurance company, United Healthcare, has explained to me that I am not responsible for fees above the “usual and
customary rates,” to which you have agreed and for which United Healthcare has already paid you.

I hope this letter clears up the matter, but if I can provide more information, please call me at 555-8732.

I’m willing to assume that these letters have resulted from a misunderstanding and that your company will quickly resolve this situation—without sending me more form letters.

Thank you,


Your Name

Free Insurance Correspondence Letter Samples

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Refusing to provide comprehensive insuranceRequest for personal accident insurance
Reply to enquiry about personal accident insuranceQuotation for personal accident insurance
Refusing to provide personal accident insuranceReminder for payment of insurance premium
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Refusing to provide travelling insuranceRequest for motor insurance
Quotation for motor insuranceRefusing to provide motor insurance
Insuring valuable articlesQuotation for insuring valuable articles
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Letter to insurance company making a claim under a comprehensive policyReminder of claim
Reply to claimApproval of claim
Rejection of claimReminder for renewal of policy
Changing a policyRenewing a policy
Cancelling a policySurrendering a policy
Informing insurance company of motor accidentApplying for loan against insurance policy
Reply to loan applicationGranting loan against insurance policy
Refusing loan against insurance policyInsurance company intimating about dishonor of a cheque
Letter informing about due date of the premiumJoint insurance
Asking for insurance policiesLetter to an insurance company regarding nomination or assignment
Requesting the insurance company for a paid up policyInsurance of goods against all risks
Asking for travelling insuranceComplaint regarding an insurance policy
Fire insurance claim letterRequest letter for health insurance

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