Customer’s Escalation Letter To The Manager About Their Complaint

Below is sample customer’s escalation letter to the manager about their complaint :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code


Dear Recipient Name:

I am sorry to have to write to you personally regarding delay in the return of the above recorder sent in for repair on 28 February. The facts are as follows:

1. On 28 February I spoke to your Mr. Ken regarding my faulty tape recorder. As a result I sent my letter dated 28 February with the recorder requesting a quotation.

2. On 5 Mar, your Service Department acknowledged receipt of the recorder and my letter.

3. Not having received the quotation I sent a reminder on 18 March, and on 25 March I received a service card (reference ABC88) quoting a charge of $68 for servicing.

4. This card was returned on 28 March with my cheque for that amount and my letter asking for the service to be carried out and the recorder returned as a matter of urgency.

I heard nothing more until this morning when I was surprised to receive a printed form stating that the work had been completed and asking for payment of the amount due.

I am sure you will appreciate my concern at the length of time involved in this matter. As it is 2 full month since I sent the recorder to you, I hope you will arrange to return it immediately.


Your Name

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