101 Business Letter

Offering Promotion Letter

offering promotion letter

Below is sample offering promotion letter to an employee :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

I am sure that you are aware that our Chief Accountant, Mr. Michael, has joined another company thus leaving his post vacant. The Chief Accountant post is very important and we have to fill it as soon as possible.

Before Mr. Michael left he personally recommended you for the post. This is something that all of us in management agree with. So we would like you to take over the post of Chief Accountant immediately. Your new salary will be USD4000 per month plus other fringe benefits.

If you find our offer acceptable, please drop by and see me and I shall discuss further details with you. Thank you.


Your Name

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