Letter Acknowledging Contract And Commitments

Below is the example letter acknowledging contract and commitments.

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

This will acknowledge the receipt of your contract and order for 8,000 rolls of our Mastercraft Z-36A Panoramic Film. As specified, the film will be moisture proofed and will have a heat tolerance of no less than 165 F. We expect to have no problem meeting your January 01 deadline and, in fact, should have the complete order in your hands by 15th.

Just a note about the Z-36 A formulation. Perhaps you noticed in the November issue of Photo Marketing that our manufacturing affiliate, Pro-Lab Films, received an accolade from the American Press Association. The citation referred to Z-36 A as “fireproof” when ten rolls survived a fire during a plane crash and was later used for filming, with no loss of clarity. So don’t worry about the heat tolerance!


Your Name

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