101 Business Letter

Letter Notify Loss Of State Issued Identification Card

letter notify loss of state issued identification card

How do I replace my state issued identification card? This is the sample letter notify loss of state issued identification card to government :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

Regarding personal identification card PID-XXXXX-XXXX

This is to notify you that my state-issued identification card, along with other personal identification, was stolen while on a trip in Rome, Italy.

I have filed a police report with Italian authorities, but would like to put on record with the state the fact that my PID card was taken and block any attempt at misuse of the card by any unauthorized person.

I am currently still in Europe, but upon my return I will be applying for a new PID with a changed identification number.


Your Name


Business letter sample
More legal correspondence letter format


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