101 Business Letter

Letter Requesting Insurance Company To Convert To A Paid-Up Policy

letter requesting insurance company to convert to a paid-up policy

Below is sample letter requesting insurance company to convert to a paid-up policy :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

I am the holder of the above policy for USD10,000 and have paid premiums up-to-date. Unfortunately of late my business has gone down as I have suffered heavy loss. I do not find any prospects of improving in the near future and hence my inability in paying any more premiums.

May I, therefore, request you to please convert the above policy into a paid-up policy and let me know the amount that will be paid to me at the time of maturity of the same?


Your Name

More letters about insurance

Business Letter Samples

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