The principal function of a cover letter is to inform a potential employer about the type of position you are seeking. It should also highlight the specific qualifications, accomplishments, and abilities or work experience (detailed in your accompanying resume) that have a special relevance for the position for which you are applying. This chapter will share useful sentences for cover letters dealing with job applications.
If you are responding to an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, always state that fact in the first paragraph of your cover letter.
Useful sentences for cover letters
I am applying for the position of Marketing Assistant, which was advertised in last week’s New York Weekly Review. I have completed my third year at New York University and intend to take a year off to supplement my education with relevant work.
Seven years as a personal assistant to the public relations manager of the Mancini PR Corporation in Pittsburgh have given me the background and professional experience to qualify for the position (Nr. 137) you advertised in last Sunday’s Pittsburgh Telegraph. Therefore, I believe that my qualifications will meet your requirements for this challenging position with your company.
I have worked for the past four years as an international sales representative of a large industrial company, and I would like to apply for the position of Assistant Sales Manager that you advertised in the New York Times of July 22. This position calls for qualifications and experience that correspond to my professional background and job objective.
I am sending this letter and resume to apply for the position of clinical technician with your institute. I believe that my background qualifications and work experience are very compatible with the requirements of this position you listed in your advertisement in this month’s Specialized Medicine Journal.
I am forwarding my resume in response to your advertisement in this week’s edition of Procurement News for an Asian procurement specialist. This position seems tailor-made to my qualifications and long-time experience with several major companies in Southeast Asia.
As an experienced advertising sales representative, I believe that I am the qualified candidate you are looking for in this month’s issue of Advertising Sales Magazine. I feel confident that I can make a significant contribution to your staff.
I am submitting my resume in response to your advertisement for the position of program coordinator that appeared in the latest Sunday edition of The Daily Sketch. I believe that my qualifications and working experience are an ideal match for your requirements.
I am confident that my international experience qualifies me for the position of export sales representative in your marketing department.
I am able to handle assignments individually or as a member of a team.
I feel confident that I can apply my qualifications, skills, and working knowledge of computer hardware development to your company.
I am interested in a part-time or freelance position in your advertising art production department.
I am currently seeking a position change and I believe that my management background in the construction industry might be of interest to your company.
I am considering a change in position with a law firm that offers increasingly greater responsibility and growth potential than is possible with my present employer. Although my present position offers me decision-making responsibilities, I feel that it is time for a change as well as a new challenge.
I am seeking a new position because I believe that my educational background and long-time work experience in the software programming sector has prepared me for changes as well as a broader scope of management responsibility.
I am presently employed as a quality control engineer at Sendix Plus Industries in Rapid City, South Dakota. However, I feel that it is time for a change in position. Therefore, I am seeking a position with a large industrial company that is interested in my international quality control manufacturing experience both in the United States and Great Britain.
The reason for leaving my current position is the desire to work for a larger manufacturing company in the Southwest where my engineering qualifications, working experience, and commitment would positively contribute to that organization’s manufacturing operations.
At the July convention of the SSBD in Los Angeles, I heard that Gresham Industries has several openings for technical sales representatives in the calculating and adding machines department. My desire to work for Gresham has prompted me to forward my enclosed resume for your evaluation.
Marsha Hunt of Coastal Auto Leasing in Seattle suggested I contact you concerning my interest in locating a position in the field of automobile renting and leasing with your company in Chicago. I have enclosed a resume to acquaint you with my background.
Robert Westwood recommended I submit my resume for your review regarding the position of customer support representative. Please consider me a candidate for the job. A summary of my qualifications and working experience is enclosed.
At the suggestion of Roberta Johnson of the Perrett Corporation, I am submitting my resume with regards to employment opportunities within your company’s accounting department.
Lester Hines told me that the current catering manager of your hotel will retire in April and that his position will be open. It is upon his recommendation that I am sending you my resume to acquaint you with my professional background in the hotel catering business.
Sandra Miller of Manganaro Company strongly encouraged me to contact you. Sandra and I are colleagues and we are working at Manganaro’s quality control center.
I am writing to you at the suggestion of Ms. Mary Ann Januzzi, a close friend, about my decision to make a career move. The management structure of Bryant Industries will be reorganized this year and for that reason I have elected to make this an opportunity for change and professional growth.
In June I will receive my Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and I am interested in obtaining an entry-level position with your company.
This letter and attached resume is my application for an entry-level position as a secretary with your company. I have just graduated from the Piermont Business Studies Institute in Detroit and I am ambitious to start working.
This month I completed a two-year course of study in advertising and marketing at the International Advertising Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. My placement counselor, Ms. Anne Fisher, suggested I apply to you for an entry-level position as an assistant in your company’s international advertising department.
I am looking to break into the airline catering business with a long-term goal of management. For that reason, I am sending you my resume with the hope you may have a management trainee opening on your staff in the near future.
Should you have an appropriate opening in your sales department, I would appreciate the opportunity to explore career opportunities with your company.
Should you have a need for a highly qualified and hard-working sales representative in the south-western United States, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you personally to explore the contributions that I could make to your company’s sales division.
I believe my five-year experience with Vallejo Demarest Company is especially relevant to the qualifications you may require for a position with your company as a computer programmer. I would enjoy discussing my experience and qualifications with you in a personal interview.
The attached resume details my five-year experience in marketing research. The past two years I have been with the marketing research department of the Walter Tappan Company, a small consumer product company, where I enjoy the challenges and responsibilities of my current position as supervisor. However, I am interested in the opportunity to work for a major company such as Barton & Scheffer as a senior marketing research specialist.
I am open to relocating anywhere in the United States or internationally and can begin full-time employment with one month’s notice. If relocation is necessary, then I am ready to make that commitment.I am presently planning to relocate permanently to the Atlanta area.
I am willing to relocate, and future compensation packages are negotiable.
I am willing to consider relocation to Florida based upon salary and future opportunities for growth with your organization. I would be able to start work at the end of April.
My compensation requirement is negotiable. I am currently earning the market value for a mechanical engineer with seven years of experience with a major international company. I would be happy to discuss my salary requirement in a personal interview.
I will be glad to discuss the matter of salary with you during a personal interview, because I am sure we can arrive at a satisfactory arrangement.
If my qualifications are satisfactory, I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. Please let me know when we may meet.
May I call you for an interview early next week?
I will call you next week to discuss the possibility of a personal interview.
Personal and business references are available upon request.
References and letters of recommendation will be furnished after mutual interest has been established.
I will be glad to provide additional details if you wish.
I will be glad to furnish you with additional information about my qualifications and working experience.
I will be in Portland from May 10 to 15, during which time I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you.
The enclosed resume summarizes my experience and background. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications during a personal interview. I will follow up with a telephone call next week to arrange such a meeting.
The enclosed resume is a brief summary of my experience. I would appreciate the opportunity to personally meet you. I would be glad to make myself available for an interview at your office to discuss my qualifications and skills.
I will call you within a few days to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.
I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to present my skills and background in a personal interview.
I would be happy to talk to you in a personal interview and to provide you with details about my professional qualifications and international working experience in Europe and how they can best serve the Brandeis Corporation.
Since my present employer is not aware of my intent to search for a new and challenging position, I would appreciate that you keep my application with your company strictly confidential.
Since my present employer is unaware of my search, your strictest confidence is appreciated. Thank you for your consideration and response.
I am looking forward to your reply and thank you in advance for your consideration.
Thank you very much for considering my application.
Thank you for considering me for this position.
Thank you for reviewing my credentials. I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
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